2014 Trophy Winners
Our prize presentation for the 2014 season took place on 22 February 2015 at the Parrot Inn, Forest Green. So keen were club members that they started to arrive before the pub even opened, well we thought that it would have been open by 12:00! Not that any of us early folks were expecting any prizes this year, it had turned out a poor
season for us. When we actually got it, the tables were all nicely laid out waiting for us.
So piling in the beers to start, having to buy our own, as the President (Richard Hoskins) was late to arrive after his lengthy ride from Dorking Station with David and Fiona Eccles! Not long and everyone had arrived and the meals could be served up, and very nice too it was. And after coffee Richard stood up and got on with the presentations of the prizes to those deserved winners.
Sporting Courses:
1st Alistair Lang 57pts;
2nd David Eccles 42pts;
3rd Mick Deen 35pts
Evening Series:
1st Alistair Lang 151pts;
2nd Simon Tonge 123pts;
3rd Alasdair Wylie 90pts
Open Events Shield:
David Eccles 17 events
Handicap Trophy:
1st Doug Conroy 55pts;
2nd Ken Izzard 52pts;
3rd David Eccles 51pts
Club Events Championship:
1st Alistair Lang 97pts;
2nd Simon Tonge 66pts;
3rd Mick Deen 47pts
Championship 10:
1st Mick Deen 22:20;
2nd Alistair Lang 22:39;
3rd Simon Tonge 23:45
25 Mile Trophy:
1st Alistair Lang 54:56;
2nd Mick Deen 58:46
3rd Simon Tonge 1:02:24
30 Mile Trophy: No results!
50 Mile Trophy:
1st Alistair Lang 2:06:27
100 Mile Trophy:
1st Mick Deen 4:19:06;
2nd Alistair Lang 4:22:31;
3rd John Allen 4:55:00
12hr Trophy: No results this year
Ladies 10 Mile Trophy:
1st Wendy Frost 35:17
Junior Cup: No results this year
Hill Climb Championship:
1st Alistair Lang 3:27;
2nd Alisdair Wylie
3:29; 3rd Simon Tonge 3:32
Triers Cup:
Steve Jordan
Track Cup:
Doug Conroy
Cyclo-Cross Trophy:
1st Stuart Wighton 12pts;
2nd John Allen 6pts;
3rd Chris Brewer 5pts
185 Cup:
Alistair Lang 23.9mph
Vets BAR:
Peter Horsfield
Randonneur Trophy:
1st Mike Wakely 546m;
2nd John Allen 320m;
3rd Eddie Allen 100m
Maurice Hens Trophy:
Bert Lowe Trophy:
Richard Vaudin
John Allen