Privacy Notice
What personal data does Redmon Cycling Club (“the Club”) collect?
The information on members, that we routinely collect, includes members’ names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers (includes phone calls and text messaging). We collect this contact data directly from our members when they join the Club, and it is updated as and when members renew their membership or inform us of any changes. On occasion, we may also take your photograph at a club event.
What is this Contact Data used for?
We use this data for the administration of your membership, the communication of information and the organisation of events.
Who is your data shared with?
None of this contact data is shared with any other organisation
How is your contact data stored?
This data is stored in a range of secured digital formats, using Dropbox as our data processor. Access to Dropbox is by passwords and limited to Committee Members responsible for Membership and website only. Any information that is stored remotely is stored in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the relevant laws and regulations?
Under the GDPR we do not have a statutory requirement to have a Data Protection Officer. The person who is responsible for ensuring that the Club discharges its obligations under the GDPR is the Club’s Chairman.
Who has access to your data?
Members of the committee of the Club have access to members’ data in order for them to carry out their legitimate tasks for the club.
What is the legal basis for collecting this data?
The Club collects personal data that is necessary for the purposes of its legitimate interests as a membership organisation.
How you can check what data we have about you?
If you want to see the basic membership data we hold about you, you should contact the Club’s Membership Secretary.
You can contact us with a “Subject Access Request” if you want to ask us to provide you with any other information we hold about you. If you are interested in any particular aspects, specifying them will help us to provide you with what you need quickly and efficiently. We are required to provide this to you within one month.
Does the Club collect any “special” data?
The GDPR refers to sensitive personal data as “special categories of personal data”. We do not record any such special data.
How can you ask for data to be removed, limited or corrected?
There are various ways in which you can limit how your data is used.
- You may choose to maintain your membership of the Club with your correct name but with limited contact details. However, we do need to have at least one method of contacting you. You could choose for the club to not keep details of your home address, email address or telephone numbers, although this could hamper the clubs’ attempts to inform you of important or urgent information.
- You may choose not to receive information emails from the Club (we do not send any out on behalf of other organisations).
- Any of these options can be implemented for your club membership by contacting the Club’s Membership Secretary.
How long do we keep your data, and why?
We keep this information for as long as you remain a member of the club. All your contact data is deleted as soon as you leave the club and are no longer a member. Historical race results, competition winners, prize lists etc are required for archiving purposes and names cannot be removed from them. Other data, such as that relating to accounting or personnel matters, is kept for the legally required period.